
The most important fundamental function of building design is to establish and maintain a temperate environment for its inhabitants. The most important performance parameter of any dwelling is the management of climate. Without this, there is no reason for a building to exist.
In traditional building solar radiation is a primary source of overheating. The building becomes uncomfortably warm to the point where it needs to be cooled. This cooling is usually accomplished by refrigerated air conditioning, which is a major use of non-renewable energy in the United States and elsewhere.
The warming effect of solar radiation is mitigated by the HólosHouse withoutair conditioning. This is accomplished by a Climate Management Canopy – an outboard shading system of louvers embedded in an exoskeleton.
In the hot summer months this passive system minimizes heat gain by intercepting solar radiation. Hence the need for refrigerated air conditioning is eliminated because the building enclosure is not directly warmed by the sun. The energy savings is obvious.
In the cold winter months the interior of the building is warmed by solar radiation. This is because the geometry of the louver system enables sunlight at its lower winter angle to infiltrate the interior.