The first image is a long view of the site. It is a Google Earth image with a computer rendering of the HólosHouse on the property. This view is from the northeast. The Pacific Ocean can be seen in the upper left. The coastline along this longitude is south facing. The HólosHouse sits at approximately 2200 feet above sea level nestled in the Santa Monica Mountains with a view of the ocean to the south and east. The low density of the neighborhood is clearly shown in an area that is dominated by conservation zones.

Zooming in from the Google Earth images, the immediate neighborhood surrounding the HólosHouse can be seen. The site rendering is superimposed on the Google Earth image, followed by the topo map showing the location of the property line.

The image is a photomontage in which a rendering of the HólosHouse is fitted into a photograph of the actual site. This shows the true setting of the HólosHouse in this regional habitat.

The Natural Garden
All 2.5 acres of the future construction site for the HólosHouse is is landscaped with drought tolerant native vegetation.